Future of Web 2.0
After spending this summer learning about and interacting with Web 2.0 tools, I was curious about the future of Web 2.0 and how it might evolve in the future. I came across this NPR article by Bobby Allyn discussing Web 2.0’s impact on news sites. The headline is what drew me in: “Hard times are here for news sites and social media. Is this the end of Web 2.0?” I was thoroughly caught off guard and surprised by the headline. The end of Web 2.0? After I spent the last twelve weeks learning about it? Impossible!
The highlight of the article was different news programs closing: Vice News Tonight, Buzzfeed News, Gawker, and Vox laying off part of its staff. Further, Allyn postulates that the rickety standing of these top sites leads people to believe that Web 2.0 as we know it is coming to an end. But then the question is raised, what comes next?
I don’t know. And neither does Allyn. The way people communicate via the internet shifts. People continuously develop smaller communities on whatever platform they use. Allyn also mentioned the rise in niche podcasts, which is something that I enjoy listening to. I think that whatever comes next as habits and desires continue to shift will be influenced by how people have interacted in the Web 2.0 world in the past, and find how they want to consume media in the future.
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