I Went Viral

 I went viral! Okay, my sister went viral but I was in it... Okay really, it was a TikTok she made with 750 views so not really 'viral'. It felt viral to me. 

It's amazing what she did for this TikTok though. All I said to her was "I have a song stuck in my head, and this is all I remember". Next thing I know she was recording me, posting, and hashtagging the video with #WhatSongIsThis. We had the answer within 2 hours. (For those playing along at home: The band was popular in the 80s), 

It's amazing, just by including the hashtag, our reach became so much larger, reaching many more people. Never again will I have a song stuck in my head that I can't remember - I'll just leverage the community of #WhatSongIsThis and be able to find my answer. 

As a last note, my favorite comment on our TikTok came from Samantha Vogel: "I needed this laugh thank you. [cry laughing emoji]" I felt ridiculous in the moment, but somehow other's enjoying it made it a bit better. 

For those who are curious what the TikTok was and would like to hear my horrendous humming to a song, here you are!



  1. This is awesome! Thank you for sharing. I also have had the moments when a song was stuck in my head but I couldn't remember what it was. I just googled it, and there's also a subreddit r/whatsongIsthis. Interesting!


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