I'm a lurker. There I said it. I will read and read what people post, but I have a tendency to not say too much for fear my input does not have value in a given space. It's much easier to answer a call to action or question than to find the right question or string the right words together that might provide meaning to someone else.
What value do lurkers provide in a space? Even though I am one, I would have to argue not much. We don't continue to build the community, but are usually the silent majority. John Summers breaks down strategies to help engage lurkers, and I can sum up his recommendations as creating personal invites. This breaks down the barrier to post that I find exists and offers me a way to begin to engage.
So am I Missy... So am I.. I am a very proud lurker! Unless I am driven my the topic being discussed, I will ready and not partake all day.